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The Garden
 (ēd′n) n.
1. Bible The garden of God and the first home of Adam and Eve. Also called Garden of Eden.
2. A delightful place; a paradise.
3. A state of innocence, bliss, or ultimate happiness.

To me Eden represents God’s will and his love for us. The creation story, as told in Genesis is one that I would study again and again and always find new truths that God wants me to see.

From the creation of the heavens and the earth, man, the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The creation of man seemed to be something special.

As the story is told in my NIV study bible the language of creation changes when we get to the creation of man in the story. In the story prior to the creation of man God spoke things in to being. An example is found in Genesis 1:3 "And God said, "Let there be light"…" this changes when we get to verse 27 in Genesis 1  says "so God created man in his image."

This language change seems very significant and is further supported in Genesis 2:7

"Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being."

Man was formed from the dust of the ground, which means we were physically crated by God and are his masterpiece, compared to how most other things in existence were spoken into being (like the difference between a homemade and store bought gift, almost). Secondly in verse 7 it reveals that God is the one who breathed the air into our lungs.

After taking a close look into this small chunk of Genesis I feel so honored and loved by God. We were formed by God; we breathe Gods breath, and are loved by God. Eden is not only a special historical place in the bible but also in our lives with unending depths of meaning. This part of Eden's story just reminds me when I'm working in The Garden of how loved I am by our everlasting God.


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