parents back yard is where my interest and exploration in gardening began. 12
years ago we moved in, at that time we had a German Shepard/Husky mix dog, who
we loved. The first spring we moved in she dug a gigantic hole under our fence.
We could never keep it filled to stop her from getting out of the yard. My
parents had a very creative solution and made that corner of the yard a flower
garden. Over the years the garden has been willed with perennials that come up
on their own every year. It has been like watching an evolution happen in that
space. Some flowers have been moved, others taken out, while some have simply
grown unbothered.
was a few more years before we out grew the first corner flower garden and in
to more vegetable raised garden beds. Once we stared building vegetable boxes
we couldn’t stop. To date we have 10!
has been such an incredible pleasure to see how this garden has frown and
affected my family. My dad is our resident master gardener, while my mom is the
biggest skeptic. Every year she seems so surprised that were are able to grow real produce in the back yard, instead
of buying it form the store. It's amazing too look back and see how my interest
in gardening developed as our backyard garden developed. Many lessons and
garden principles have been learned in this garden. For example learning to
plant in the appropriate amount of sun depending on the plant. Another example
learned is that every season is different. Rarely do you escape a season
without difficulties and rarely do you have a season repeat itself. Seasons of
the garden are much life seasons of life.
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